Ten Reasons Why YOU Need a Private Personal Trainer:

  1. Safety:  Exercising alone, especially if you're new to it, can be dangerous. As a skilled trainer, I will teach you proper form and technique to avoid injuries.
  2. Effectiveness:  As part of your training, I will teach you the exercises using the appropriate form to maximize results.
  3. Accountability:  It's very hard to stay motivated when you're working out alone! Knowing that I will be there to keep you accountable is an amazing motivator.
  4. Record-Keeping:  I will keep records of your goals and progress so that you can keep track of your success!
  5. Fun:  Everyone knows it's always more fun to train with someone else rather than alone!
  6. Education:  As someone who studies fitness on a daily basis, I will keep you up-to-date on the latest science and techniques in fitness.
  7. Challenge:  I am a natural motivator, so I will encourage you to be your absolute best.
  8. Convenience:  I will accommodate your schedule to set up training times that fit well with your lifestyle.
  9. Specialization:  I will design a very specific workout program based on your fitness level, age, interests, and personal goals. I have a completely different plan for each of my clients.
  10. Quality of Life:  Getting in shape will mean better overall health, more energy, improved work performance, longer life, and a greater sense of well-being. My job is to make that happen for you!